Wednesday, April 18, 2012

P is for Podcasts, Blogs and Forums

P is for Podcasts, Blogs and Forums

I have recently become addicted to podcasts, and blogs, but I haven’t got much from forums yet.  This is mostly in my estimation due to the fact that they are fairly passive forms of information gathering rather than participating in the creation of ideas in a forum.  There are a few forums that I am apart of though, just not that active in them.

When I was a kid, my Dad would get the newspaper everyday and read it, and then in the evening he would watch the news usually The National on CBC at 10pm followed by one of the other local networks for the “local” news.  He still does this to this day, and the local news is the closest city to him about 150km as he lives in rural Alberta.  For me I get very bored with traditional media news.  The closest I get to a newscast is on the radio while I am driving somewhere, but this is limited as I am usually listening to a podcast or talking on my mobile amateur radio rig on the local repeater. 

I started listening to podcasts a few years ago as my interest in emergency preparedness grew and I was searching on the internet for information.  This was in close connection with my work on getting my Amateur Radio license and emergency communications.  I started listening to Jack Spirko over at The Survival Podcast.  He does a daily one hour podcast on preparedness and modern survival with a very broad range of topics.  At the time I started I was listening on my computer, but the sound of Jack’s voice irritated my wife after a while, so when I began working full time after I finished school I was issued a Blackberry which I installed the podcast app onto.  During this time I would listen to a podcast as I commuted to and from work.  Jack is very good and enthusiastic and I agree with a lot of his points of view, but I was concerned that I was only getting one point of view, so I sought out some alternatives just to broaden my own horizons and make sure that I had multiple perspectives.  At the time I did not find too many, but after I got a new personal phone I downloaded the Listen app by Google and have added 13 podcasts to that list.  Now for the most part these podcasters produce 1 episode a week some less so I can usually keep up with demand. 

During my last year of university we had Ben Eadie come into our design class and lecture on social media and blogging.  He is a local guy that has had a lot of success with this format of being a guru and getting his message out there.  He encouraged us to start a blog on what we were passionate about and had some knowledge on to establish ourselves as experts in that field.  The rationale behind that is if we are experts then people will seek us out for more information and people will offer us work.  Ben is the reason that I started this blog.  I never really read a lot of blogs until I used the blogger dashboard and then I would subscribe to a few blogs and that was good, it helped aggregate the feeds for me, but I was under the impression the dashboard only worked for blogger websites.  With the acquisition of my android phone I was introduced to the Google Reader app and from there my number of subscriptions has skyrocketed.  My feed was getting a little overwhelmed so I trimmed a few that do the short little one line spam posts, also if they were abandoned feeds they were gone too .  If I was not getting value from their work I kicked them to the curb.  So for me when I am eating breakfast in the morning I grab my tablet and read some of the content that I have found value in and partake in that.  I am the editor of what I receive. 

Here is a quick note on forums.  There is a lot of information out there in forums as I have mentioned before.  Anytime I am searching for some information on how to do something I usually end up either on YouTube or I end up in a forum.  Building community is important and that is typically done in the forums for the places that interest you.  One of the things you can do if you do not find a forum that suits what you are looking for is that you can start one of your own. 

Anyways, that is how I use Podcasts, Blogs and Forums.  Please share in the comments how you use these wonderful resources. If you like what you have read, please subscribe to the blog, or follow me on twitter at @bjshideler. Also, share this post with your friends on your favorite social media sites.

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